The Yard

The Yard

Lawn & Garden Equipment in Uxbridge, MA

Lawn & Garden Equipment Contractors Gardening and Landscaping

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605 Quaker Hwy,
Uxbridge , MA 01569 UNITED STATES

About The Yard

At The Yard in Uxbridge, Massachusetts, you’ll find the best landscaping material for just about any project. We offer mulch, wood chips, compost, stone, and loam to help you decorate, plant a garden, or make your property more attractive. We keep a flexible schedule for convenience, and affordable prices so everyone can enjoy a beautiful landscaping project without spending a great deal of money. Since 1999, local customers have counted on us for the highest-quality landscaping materials at the best price around.


The Yard 508-278-2628
605 Quaker Hwy,
Uxbridge , MA 01569 UNITED STATES
The Yard

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The Yard
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