Old West Cleaning

Old West Cleaning

Auto Repair in Sierra Vista, AZ

Auto Repair Contractors

Contact us


2147 Tahoe Pl (mailing only),
Sierra Vista , AZ 85635 UNITED STATES

About Old West Cleaning

Old West Is The Best, Put Us To The Test!

We specialize in Steam Cleaning Carpets, Upholstery, Tile and Grout. There are always empty House Specials. Keep your office or business carpets sparkling clean all year long with our Maintenance programs. We work with integrity and personal service to insure your households are number one in our priorities. Also, we offer the best Water Damage Restoration for jobs near or below your insurance deductibles.

Old West is the Best, put us to the Test That's our goal and we get results. Shane Stilwell, Owner and Managing Technician has been Carpet Cleaning for over 25 years in the Southeast corners of Arizona. Centrally located in Sierra Vista, we travel from Vail to Douglas, Patagonia to Benson, Tombstone and Bisbee too. We emphasize Old Fashioned Cleaning with the Power of Steam-Carpets, Upholstery, Tile and Grout, Emergencies and Water Damage Restoration. We love to post beautiful photos of the SE AZ deserts and mountains that we capture while mountain biking, so be watching.

Like and Share us on Facebook please. It is one of the personal ways we can share things with the community.

We support the Dawn to Dust Mountain Bike Club and Race Team, Buena NICA Mountain Bike Team and the Spark FM as part of our community involvement.


Old West Cleaning 520-417-1881
2147 Tahoe Pl (mailing only),
Sierra Vista , AZ 85635 UNITED STATES
Old West Cleaning

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Old West Cleaning
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Old West Cleaning

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