Arco Painting

Arco Painting

Contractors in Inglewood, CA


Contact us


8404 Crenshaw Blvd,
Inglewood , CA 90305 UNITED STATES

About Arco Painting

Unlike most painting companies, we have been in this industry for 8 decades. My family started painting in Baton Rouge, La. in 1929, when 10" brushes were the only paint applicators. To say the least, we became very proficient in brush application. As the industry evolved with the invention of roller covers and spray guns, we utilize our skills in brushing to transition easily into using that equipment. As a result, we have a wide range of skills to offer our clients!

In order for us to give our clients an accurate estimate of what we charge to do their work, We include direct and indirect over head, Labor cost, material cost, and profit.

Before we begin any project, we go over a schedule with our client that includes how the job will be performed, where we will start, where we will finish , and how long the process will take to complete. In the event that a problem occurs which prevents the execution of our schedule, we notify the client immediately to get their input on how we can best proceed.

Our philosophy is very simple, develop good character, be honest, and treat every person in the manner which you would want to be treated!

As a rule of business, we strive to improve in every aspect of our business. Not only are we looking for ways to improve, we also look forward to receiving suggestion from our clients on how we can be of better service to them.

Customers love working with us, because we say what we are going to do and we don't leave, until it's done!


Arco Painting 323-251-9361
8404 Crenshaw Blvd,
Inglewood , CA 90305 UNITED STATES
Arco Painting

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