Lawrence E. Weaver, DDS

Lawrence E. Weaver, DDS

Dentists in Tallahassee, FL


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1957 Raymond Diehl Rd,
Tallahassee , FL 32308 UNITED STATES

About Lawrence E. Weaver, DDS

Lawrence E. Weaver, DDS is dedicated to making sure you receive the finest dentist care possible. We take pride in serving you and your family to the best of our ability. We offer expertise ranging from crowns to dentures, implants, bridges, and root canal treatment. We can correct a variety of dental problems using our knowledge and experience. Call us today!


Lawrence E. Weaver, DDS 850-385-2003
1957 Raymond Diehl Rd,
Tallahassee , FL 32308 UNITED STATES
Lawrence E. Weaver, DDS

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Lawrence E. Weaver, DDS

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