Bennington Subaru

Bennington Subaru

Auto Dealers in Bennington, VT

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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527 N Bennington Rd,
Bennington , VT 05201 UNITED STATES

About Bennington Subaru

Bennington Subaru offers many automotive products and services to our North Adams, MA, Brattleboro, VT & Troy, NY area customers. From quality new Subaru vehicles to used cars, we know anyone looking for a vehicle in Bennington will likely find what they want at our dealership. We carry a comprehensive line of Subaru vehicles, including the Forester, Outback, Legacy, Impreza and Tribeca, making us a good choice as your Bennington Subaru car dealer. Our services include trusted Subaru car repair in Bennington, original OEM Subaru parts, and new and used car loans or Subaru leasing to help our customers purchase the car of their dreams. Call Bennington Subaru or come visit us in person. We're conveniently located at 527 N Bennington Rd and look forward to helping you with your automotive needs.


Bennington Subaru 888-378-9477
527 N Bennington Rd,
Bennington , VT 05201 UNITED STATES
Bennington Subaru

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