Sams Valley Automotive Service

Sams Valley Automotive Service

Auto Repair in White City, OR

Auto Repair

Contact us


4865 Highway 234,
White City , OR 97503 UNITED STATES

About Sams Valley Automotive Service

Come See Us for All Your Auto Repair Needs.

We would like to welcome you to Sams Valley Automotive!

Sams Valley Automotive is an auto repair service center located in Sams Valley, serving the entire Rogue Valley area. Our highly trained and certified mechanics provide unparalleled automotive repair services to most makes and models of vehicles.

As a modern vehicle repair shop with years of experience, our technicians have access to the most state of the art tools and technology in the automotive repair industry. Some of the services provided by Sams Valley Automotive include:

- Auto Diagnostic Service
- Computerized Automotive Diagnostic System
- RV Repairs
- Transmission
- Brakes

Our technicians are capable of servicing all types of vehicles.We take pride in providing you with service that is thorough and completed in a timely manner. We will diagnose and repair all issues and problems that your car may have.

Please call today or stop by the shop for more information.


Sams Valley Automotive Service 541-414-0055
4865 Highway 234,
White City , OR 97503 UNITED STATES
Sams Valley Automotive Service

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Sams Valley Automotive Service

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