The Chastaine Law Office

The Chastaine Law Office

Lawyers and Law Firms in Gold River, CA

Lawyers and Law Firms

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2377 Gold Meadow Way, Suite 100
Gold River , CA 95670 UNITED STATES

About The Chastaine Law Office

At The Chastaine Law Firm, helping the accused and arrested relieve the stress of having a criminal case hanging over their head is the most rewarding aspect of their jobs. The legal team is dedicated to giving people clear options on how to resolve their case and a way to find light at the end of the tunnel. In the end, helping someone find a productive way to get their life back on track is the ultimate goal, and every client to the firm benefits from the experience, passion, insights, and dedication of our Sacramento County criminal defense attorneys. The firm proudly supports clients in Gold River, Rancho Cordova, Folsom, Sacramento, and the surrounding areas. If you have been arrested or accused, contact The Chastaine Law Firm today!



The Chastaine Law Office 916-943-4487
2377 Gold Meadow Way, Suite 100
Gold River , CA 95670 UNITED STATES
The Chastaine Law Office

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