Fullerton Chrysler Jeep Dodge Corporation

Fullerton Chrysler Jeep Dodge Corporation

Auto Dealers in Somerville, PA

Auto Dealers Auto Repair

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1050 U.S. 22,
Somerville , PA 08876 UNITED STATES

About Fullerton Chrysler Jeep Dodge Corporation

If you're in the market for a new Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep or RAM, Fullerton Chrysler Jeep Dodge is the place to start and end your search. We carry an excellent selection of Jeep Cherokee, Grand Cherokee, Dodge Charger, Ram 1500 and Chrysler 200 models to choose from, as well as a stellar range of used cars from yesteryear.

Of course, Fullerton Chrysler Jeep Dodge doesn't just specialize in offering new and used cars to drivers from Somerville, Bridgewater, Edison, Princeton and New Brunswick. Our team also offers a number of other services as well, including:

Auto financing experts who are committed to helping you find a car loan or lease.
A team of auto parts gurus who can help you track down the final part of your next D-I-Y project.
And an onsite service and repair department, staffed with highly trained technicians and equipped with the latest tools to get the job done right.
Whether you're interested in a new car or you want to get the most out of your current one, Fullerton Chrysler Jeep Dodge is here for you. If you're interested in utilizing any number of the many services we have to offer, simply contact us today. Located at 1050 US Hwy 22 Somerville, New Jersey, we're within driving distance of the surrounding Bridgewater, Edison, Princeton and New Brunswick areas.



Fullerton Chrysler Jeep Dodge Corporation 877-375-6024
1050 U.S. 22,
Somerville , PA 08876 UNITED STATES
Fullerton Chrysler Jeep Dodge Corporation

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Fullerton Chrysler Jeep Dodge Corporation
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jeep dealer,  jeep dealers,  jeep dealership auto parts
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Fullerton Chrysler Jeep Dodge Corporation

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