Anaheim Scrap Metal Buyers

Anaheim Scrap Metal Buyers

Contractors in Garden Grove, CA


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7472 Orangewood Ave,
Garden Grove , CA 92841 UNITED STATES

About Anaheim Scrap Metal Buyers

We buy scrap from: Manufacturers, Telecommunications, aerospace, recycling companies and manufactures or assemblers who generate scrap metals such as iron, lead, industrial equipment, forklifts, aluminum, copper, stainless steel, brass, high-temperature alloys such as nickel and other preicous alloys and metals. Our experience ranges from clearing small plant sites and large warehousing facilities to advanced manufacturing sites and complex utility infrastructure. We work with demolition contractors supporting major infrastructure demolition projects, including roads, stadiums, railroads and aircraft. Additionally, we have extensive experience in marine demolition. et that old obsolete electronics off of your shelves and out of your warehouse immediately. Anaheim Scrap Metal will give you an accurate response on your excess electronics components usually within 24 hours. We will bid on everything that has value including New and Obsolete Semiconductors, Integrated Circuits, military components, transistors, resistors, capacitors, ciodes, connectors, switches, relays, CPU's or hard drives.


Anaheim Scrap Metal Buyers 714-264-1653
7472 Orangewood Ave,
Garden Grove , CA 92841 UNITED STATES
Anaheim Scrap Metal Buyers

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