Maxine (Max) Coppinger - Heritage Texas Country Properties

Maxine (Max) Coppinger - Heritage Texas Country Properties

Real Estate in Round Top, TX

Real Estate Real Estate Agencies

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203 N. Live Oak,
Round Top , TX 78954 UNITED STATES

About Maxine (Max) Coppinger - Heritage Texas Country Properties

I‘m passionate about country living!” says broker associate Maxine Coppinger. And she is passionate about country properties too.

While she might be a little lady, she has a big work ethic and invests the time and energy to really get to know her clients and understand their needs and desires. Outgoing and approachable, she takes her clients trust in her seriously. In turn, her clients value her honesty and determination.

Prior to starting her career in real estate, Maxine managed farm and ranch properties. Her experience has given her a unique perspective in buying investment property, owning a permanent home or maintaining a week-end residence.

Maxine says, “As a property manager and acreage owner, I can provide a complete understanding of buying and selling country properties.” This, coupled with her determination and willingness to go the extra mile ensures a satisfying transaction for her clients.

Born in New York and raised in Wharton, TX, Maxine is a country gal at heart. She currently resides with her husband in LaGrange, but her market area extends from Washington County through Wharton County.

She holds a Bachelor’s in Education and a Master’s in Interdisciplinary Studies.


Maxine (Max) Coppinger - Heritage Texas Country Properties 979-702-0425
203 N. Live Oak,
Round Top , TX 78954 UNITED STATES
Maxine (Max) Coppinger - Heritage Texas Country Properties

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Maxine (Max) Coppinger - Heritage Texas Country Properties
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Maxine (Max) Coppinger - Heritage Texas Country Properties

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