Elis Smokehouse Deli

Elis Smokehouse Deli

Restaurants in Flushing, MI

Restaurants Convenience Stores and Delis Meat Stores

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8474 W. Mount Morris,
Flushing , MI 48433 UNITED STATES

About Elis Smokehouse Deli

Eli's Smokehouse Deli in Flushing, MI is offers the freshest ingredients and quality take out. We make everything in house, our breads are made from scratch and our meats are smoked on location. Eli's Smokehouse Deli offers your family a healthy alternative to fast food! Contact us today!


Elis Smokehouse Deli 810-350-0066
8474 W. Mount Morris,
Flushing , MI 48433 UNITED STATES
Elis Smokehouse Deli

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Elis Smokehouse Deli

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