Foward Motors LLC

Foward Motors LLC

Auto Repair in Madera, PA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

Contact us


224 Banion Road,
Madera , PA 16661 UNITED STATES

About Foward Motors LLC

Forward Motors is an automotive repair business located in Smokerun, PA, right next to the Muddy Run Raceway on Rt. 453. We are an official PA State Safety Inspection Station as well, and an installer of Apollo Bedliners, the toughest and rugged bedliner you will find out there! We also have a waiting room with television and WiFi internet for your convenience. We do welding repair and customer fabrication, as well! Exhaust work? Of course! Tires sales and installation? All day! We are your one-stop-shop for all your needs, at the most affordable prices you will find, guaranteed. Does anybody else change your oil, including a fliter, for only $19.95?? At Forward Motors, we will not do any unauthorized work to your car; we will always let the customer be in control of the choice that are made and the repairs that are done to your vehicle. Honesty and integrity and the foundation of Forward Motors. We promise you will enjoy your experiences here. You will also enjoy the many ways to save money, like through our 'refer a friend' program, where you save 15% on your next repair and then 10% for each referred friend after that!! Who else does such a thing?? Come and experience it for yourself!!


Foward Motors LLC 814-497-4175
224 Banion Road,
Madera , PA 16661 UNITED STATES
Foward Motors LLC

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Foward Motors LLC
Auto Repair
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Foward Motors LLC

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