Southern Oregon Gold Exchange

Southern Oregon Gold Exchange

Hobby & Model Shops in Medford, OR

Hobby & Model Shops Jewelry

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250 E 10th street,
Medford , OR 97501 UNITED STATES

About Southern Oregon Gold Exchange

The Southern Oregon Gold Exchange pays you more for your gold jewelry, silver jewelry, Diamonds, placer gold, coins and more. For your convenience we are available for appointment on Saturday and Sunday! We always have todays gold price on our website We are always upfront with the percentage of gold you are being paid for on your scrap and diamonds. We know your items are precious to you and we respect you and your items. We will buy gold and diamonds at a fare price. If you are wanting to invest in gold we will tell you which way we would recommend. We will guide you thru buying silver and also investing in silver. We pay cash for gold. If you are wanting to sell diamonds we buy certified, non certified, and will also sell diamonds and jewelry to you for below wholesale prices. Sell your scrap jewelry to us and be amazed by the amount of money you get back!


Southern Oregon Gold Exchange 541-245-9479
250 E 10th street,
Medford , OR 97501 UNITED STATES
Southern Oregon Gold Exchange

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Southern Oregon Gold Exchange
Hobby & Model Shops
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Southern Oregon Gold Exchange

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