theBridge Church

theBridge Church

Churches in Christiansburg, VA


Contact us


890 Life Dr,
Christiansburg , VA 24073 UNITED STATES

About theBridge Church

Welcome Home! Here at theBridge we believe that church isn’t just a place where you go on Sunday, but rather a community of friends meant to love, strengthen, support, and inspire one another. We believe in building quality relationships through personal one-on-one conversation during our Sunday morning service times as well as through small groups in the community on a regular basis throughout the year. Everything we do is intentional; we’ve learned that these are the kinds of principals that encourage, foster and build relationships that turn into friendships. Whoever you are, wherever you've been, you will be accepted and loved at theBridge. Why? Because love is what God has given us and He has called us to extend that same love to one another. We are all imperfect and make mistakes. We serve a Loving God who picks us up from our failures, dusts us off and moves us forward. We seek to grow together, in community with one another, learning from our mistakes and encouraging each other toward all that God has for us. That is the heart of theBridge; from pulling into the parking lot to entering the front door, you’ve found a place where you’re not just a face in the crowd, but where you are noticed, have real friendships, real support, and real community. For more info visit us on the web at There you will discover where you may fit in to one of our unique ministries; you can also meet our staff and leaders, and listen to the latest teachings. We would like to invite YOU to be our guest this Sunday! You will Never EVER be the same; Never.


theBridge Church 540-381-9766
890 Life Dr,
Christiansburg , VA 24073 UNITED STATES
theBridge Church

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