Law Office of Geraldene Sherr Duswalt

Law Office of Geraldene Sherr Duswalt

Lawyers and Law Firms in Scotch Plains, NJ

Lawyers and Law Firms

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1812 Front St,
Scotch Plains , NJ 07076 UNITED STATES

About Law Office of Geraldene Sherr Duswalt

The Law Office of Geraldene Sherr Duswalt is a full-service family law firm located in Scotch Plains serving clients throughout all of the counties of New Jersey, as well as New York. We fight for the rights of our clients in divorce, family law matters, bankruptcy, real estate law, simple estate planning, wills, and general legal matters.


Law Office of Geraldene Sherr Duswalt 908-322-5160
1812 Front St,
Scotch Plains , NJ 07076 UNITED STATES
Law Office of Geraldene Sherr Duswalt

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Law Office of Geraldene Sherr Duswalt

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