The Law Office of Alex DeMarco

The Law Office of Alex DeMarco

Lawyers and Law Firms in St Paul, MN

Lawyers and Law Firms

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6 W 5th St #700g,
St Paul , MN 55102 UNITED STATES

About The Law Office of Alex DeMarco

Alex DeMarco is a criminal defense lawyer with 9 years of experience in everything from traffic to murder. He is committed to a very personal one-on-one approach to clients and the development of effective motions of law and aggressive trial representation.



The Law Office of Alex DeMarco 651-300-4612
6 W 5th St #700g,
St Paul , MN 55102 UNITED STATES
The Law Office of Alex DeMarco

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The Law Office of Alex DeMarco
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The Law Office of Alex DeMarco

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