Dave's Auto Sales

Dave's Auto Sales

Automotive in Bennington, VT

Automotive Auto Dealers Auto Repair

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796 Woodford Rd,
Bennington , VT 05201 UNITED STATES

About Dave's Auto Sales

Dave's Auto Sales is a local business that has been serving the Bennington area for years. At Dave's used auto, that's exactly what you'll get. Drive off in one of our used cars or trucks, or allow us to put things back together with expert collision and auto repair. At Dave's Auto Sales, our team of experienced and professional technicians specialize in all phases and aspects of auto repair and auto body and collision. Trust us for everything from fender benders, oil changes and preventive maintenance to frame straightening, brakes, engine work, and transmissions.


Dave's Auto Sales 802-447-7890
796 Woodford Rd,
Bennington , VT 05201 UNITED STATES
Dave's Auto Sales

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Dave's Auto Sales
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