The Valente Law Group

The Valente Law Group

Lawyers and Law Firms in Crofton, MD

Lawyers and Law Firms

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2200 Defense Hwy., Ste 304
Crofton , MD 21114 UNITED STATES

About The Valente Law Group


The Valente Law Group 410-451-1777
2200 Defense Hwy., Ste 304
Crofton , MD 21114 UNITED STATES
The Valente Law Group 5

Based on 1 reviews

The Valente Law Group 410-451-1777
2200 Defense Hwy., Ste 304
Crofton , MD 21114 UNITED STATES
5 5

The Valente Law Group is a "newly" established law firm located in Crofton, MD that is compiled of aggressive staff members, who dedicate their time and energy to ensure that the victims of negligence are compensated appropriately! I highly recommend this Law Group!!!
posted at 10/21/14

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The Valente Law Group
Lawyers and Law Firms
5.0 (1 reviews)
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