Scottish Tobacco

Scottish Tobacco

Smoking in Atlanta, GA


Contact us


2625 Piedmont Road NE #52A, , GA,,
Atlanta , GA 30324 UNITED STATES

About Scottish Tobacco

We are a local cigar shop and lounge with the best selection of handmade cigars.


Scottish Tobacco 404-237-0525
2625 Piedmont Road NE #52A, , GA,,
Atlanta , GA 30324 UNITED STATES
Scottish Tobacco 5

Based on 1 reviews

Scottish Tobacco 404-237-0525
2625 Piedmont Road NE #52A, , GA,,
Atlanta , GA 30324 UNITED STATES
5 5

Nicest, Classiest place to buy cigars and cigarettes!

I've been buying my cigarettes from this place since they first opened years ago. It's always such a nice place to come to and the owner always remembers me and what I like to smoke. I've also enjoyed smoking cigars in the lounge area...
posted at 02/23/11

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Scottish Tobacco
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Scottish Tobacco

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