Life Grocery Natural Foods & Cafe

Life Grocery Natural Foods & Cafe

Health Food Stores in Marietta, GA

Health Food Stores

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1453 Roswell Rd,
Marietta , GA 30062 UNITED STATES

About Life Grocery Natural Foods & Cafe

Community owned natural grocery store specializing in organic produce, natural groceries, cost-saving bulk foods and herbs, extensive selection of supplements and herbs. Special diet products including gluten-free and raw and living foods. Founded by Life University students in 1976, Life Grocery carries on the tradition over 30 years later serving the community with healthy foods.


Life Grocery Natural Foods & Cafe 770-977-9583
1453 Roswell Rd,
Marietta , GA 30062 UNITED STATES
Life Grocery Natural Foods & Cafe 5

Based on 1 reviews

Life Grocery Natural Foods & Cafe 770-977-9583
1453 Roswell Rd,
Marietta , GA 30062 UNITED STATES
5 5

Favorite Grocery Store in Cobb

Convenient location...very vegan/vegetarian friendly!! Everything is delicious in my opinion! Gluten free options!! The cafe is just as great... I always get the buffet when I go and the soups are perfection!!
posted at 03/06/10

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Life Grocery Natural Foods & Cafe
Health Food Stores
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Life Grocery Natural Foods & Cafe

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