Casa Sol Tex - Méx Grill & Bar

Casa Sol Tex - Méx Grill & Bar

Restaurants in Villa Rica, GA

Restaurants Tex-Mex Restaurants

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955 W Bankhead Hwy,
Villa Rica , GA 30180 UNITED STATES

About Casa Sol Tex - Méx Grill & Bar


Casa Sol Tex - Méx Grill & Bar 770-456-0040
955 W Bankhead Hwy,
Villa Rica , GA 30180 UNITED STATES
Casa Sol Tex - Méx Grill & Bar 5

Based on 1 reviews

Casa Sol Tex - Méx Grill & Bar 770-456-0040
955 W Bankhead Hwy,
Villa Rica , GA 30180 UNITED STATES
5 5


Th is the best mexican resturant in Villa Rica. It has a quaint hacienda tpe of feel. I hated it when they moved from Hiram.
posted at 03/02/10

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Casa Sol Tex - Méx Grill & Bar
5.0 (1 reviews)
mexican restaurant,  restaurant,  burrito fajitas
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Casa Sol Tex - Méx Grill & Bar

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