Centurion Center Tower - Executive Suites

Centurion Center Tower - Executive Suites

Real Estate Agencies in Tampa, FL

Real Estate Agencies Real Estate Services

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400 N Ashley Drive, 19th & 26th Floors
Tampa , FL 33602 UNITED STATES

About Centurion Center Tower - Executive Suites

Your suite will INCLUDE in your price:
* Dedicated phone number w/Caller ID w/your company name, INCLUDED;
* Phone lines, INCLUDED;
* Professional phones, INCLUDED
* Digital voicemail accessible remotely, INCLUDED;
* Live answering at the Concierge & Front Desk, INCLUDED & NO EXTRA CHARGE;
* High speed Broadband internet - Biz Class FiOS, Biz Class Brighthouse, Fiber backed up, INCLUDED;
* Furnished Suites, INCLUDED;
* Conference Rooms… INCLUDED and several;
* Electricity, janitorial services, A/C, lights, utilities, and security personnel, INCLUDED;
* Fully equipped Clients Lounge w/refrigerator and microwave;
* Parking Garage;
* Visitors will be pleasantly greeted & welcomed by our professional staff members;
* Full time, on-site Receptionist & Center Manager;
* Facilities management, security, cleaning, and ongoing maintenance;
* Mail, UPS, and FedEx receipt & distribution;
* Access to copiers, scanners & faxes.


Centurion Center Tower - Executive Suites 813-712-8700
400 N Ashley Drive, 19th & 26th Floors
Tampa , FL 33602 UNITED STATES
Centurion Center Tower - Executive Suites 2.5

Based on 2 reviews

Centurion Center Tower - Executive Suites 813-712-8700
400 N Ashley Drive, 19th & 26th Floors
Tampa , FL 33602 UNITED STATES
1 5

Bad Customer Service. The manager has poor communication with the people that rent space from her. If you have a problem she avoides you. Stay Away!!
posted at 07/14/15
Centurion Center Tower - Executive Suites 813-712-8700
400 N Ashley Drive, 19th & 26th Floors
Tampa , FL 33602 UNITED STATES
4 5

Centurion Center Tower

With every Suite we include in your investment:
* Your Own PHONE NUMBER with your own Caller ID with your Company Name, INCLUDED;
* Your Phone Lines are INCLUDED;
* Professional phones & Digital Voicemail accessible Worldwide,...
posted at 03/10/11

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Centurion Center Tower - Executive Suites
Real Estate Agencies
2.5 (2 reviews)
executive suites,  office space,  posting virtual office virtual office solutions
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Centurion Center Tower - Executive Suites

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