Averys Auto Repair

Averys Auto Repair

Auto Repair in Tucson, AZ

Auto Repair

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8051 E Lakeside Pkwy., 114
Tucson , AZ 85730 UNITED STATES


Averys Auto Repair 520-886-5045
8051 E Lakeside Pkwy., 114
Tucson , AZ 85730 UNITED STATES
Averys Auto Repair 5

Based on 1 reviews

Averys Auto Repair 520-886-5045
8051 E Lakeside Pkwy., 114
Tucson , AZ 85730 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Service, Great Price

Thank you Avery's Auto for taking care of my daughter?s car. I was concerned when she told me that her car was not running right, I thought it might cost a lot of money to fix. I was so happy when she called and told me that you fixed it...
posted at 10/26/10

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Averys Auto Repair
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auto service,  collision auto repair,  german auto repair fix car scratch
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