Automotive One Service Center

Automotive One Service Center

Auto Repair in Longwood, FL

Auto Repair

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785 S Us Highway 17 92.,
Longwood , FL 32750 UNITED STATES


Automotive One Service Center 407-695-7788
785 S Us Highway 17 92.,
Longwood , FL 32750 UNITED STATES
Automotive One Service Center 1

Based on 2 reviews

Automotive One Service Center 407-695-7788
785 S Us Highway 17 92.,
Longwood , FL 32750 UNITED STATES
1 5


This just so happens to be the worst mechanic I have ever brought a car to. My car was not starting they said it was possible the started and it was going to be $229.00 to find out if so. So, OK I said yes, then they realized it was not...
posted at 08/25/11
Automotive One Service Center 407-695-7788
785 S Us Highway 17 92.,
Longwood , FL 32750 UNITED STATES
1 5


Automotive One quoted me $299 for the install of a tow hitch on my Volvo XC90. He said that "as a rule, all Volvo's come equipped with the proper wiring. In the event that your Volvo somehow does not have this wiring, we will let you know...
posted at 05/18/11

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Automotive One Service Center
Auto Repair
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