Auto Tech

Auto Tech

Auto Repair in Las Vegas, NV

Auto Repair

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4430 N Decatur Blvd.,
Las Vegas , NV 89130 UNITED STATES


Auto Tech 702-307-8324
4430 N Decatur Blvd.,
Las Vegas , NV 89130 UNITED STATES
Auto Tech 1

Based on 1 reviews

Auto Tech 702-307-8324
4430 N Decatur Blvd.,
Las Vegas , NV 89130 UNITED STATES
1 5

Dishonest and high prices

Don't go to this shop unless you like throwing your money away! They charge more than the Dealer on most if not all their repairs. A friendly staff doesn't make up for their rip off prices!!
Stay away kiddies.
posted at 03/08/10

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Auto Tech
Auto Repair
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