Auto Arts Inc

Auto Arts Inc

Auto Repair in Raleigh, NC

Auto Repair Body Shops

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5809 Triangle Dr.,
Raleigh , NC 27617 UNITED STATES


Auto Arts Inc 919-791-0040
5809 Triangle Dr.,
Raleigh , NC 27617 UNITED STATES
Auto Arts Inc 5

Based on 4 reviews

Auto Arts Inc 919-791-0040
5809 Triangle Dr.,
Raleigh , NC 27617 UNITED STATES
5 5

They Rock

They were the only ones in Raleigh who would even attemp to fix my car. My XB has a sick flame burst paint job consuming the entire front end, both quarter panels, and into the doors on each side. After a "fight" with a deer no would...
posted at 08/11/11
Auto Arts Inc 919-791-0040
5809 Triangle Dr.,
Raleigh , NC 27617 UNITED STATES
5 5

Number one custom body shop in the area

I've had custom work done on my vehicles for years, however since I met Mike and his crew at Auto Arts 3 years ago, I 've realized that there is no auto body customizer/shop that tops those guys. The staff is always friendly and Mike puts...
posted at 07/07/11
Auto Arts Inc 919-791-0040
5809 Triangle Dr.,
Raleigh , NC 27617 UNITED STATES
5 5

Outstanding custom work and personal service

I was looking to have some custom paint work done on my car, and Auto Arts was suggested. So, on a Saturday I stopped by without an appointment. I was met by Mike, the owner. He spent the time with me to discuss my thoughts and worked...
posted at 04/15/10
Auto Arts Inc 919-791-0040
5809 Triangle Dr.,
Raleigh , NC 27617 UNITED STATES
5 5

best custom auto shop in NC

Auto Arts has once again made my dreams become a reality! I recently had an unfortanate accident and Auto Arts made sure my car look prestine once again. They took my car in, beat up and battered, and fixed it back up to look like better...
posted at 03/25/10

Detail information

Company name
Auto Arts Inc
Auto Repair
5.0 (4 reviews)
car painting,  auto bumper repair,  japanese auto repair automotive repair service
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