Augers Auto Body Collision

Augers Auto Body Collision

Auto Repair in Clawson, MI

Auto Repair Body Shops

Contact us


726 S Rochester Rd.,
Clawson , MI 48017 UNITED STATES


Augers Auto Body Collision 248-585-6161
726 S Rochester Rd.,
Clawson , MI 48017 UNITED STATES
Augers Auto Body Collision 5

Based on 1 reviews

Augers Auto Body Collision 248-585-6161
726 S Rochester Rd.,
Clawson , MI 48017 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Collision Shop and so much more!

Augers is by far the best collision shop in the area. But they offer so much more. Great customer service, fast and friendly. You just can''t go wrong by using them for all your vehicle needs. They go over and above each time I have used them. I would highly recommend them.
posted at 04/23/11

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Augers Auto Body Collision
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
car repair estimates,  auto collision
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