Assael B M W

Assael B M W

Auto Repair in Monrovia, CA

Auto Repair

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1451 S Mountain Ave.,
Monrovia , CA 91016 UNITED STATES


Assael B M W 626-358-4269
1451 S Mountain Ave.,
Monrovia , CA 91016 UNITED STATES
Assael B M W 1

Based on 1 reviews

Assael B M W 626-358-4269
1451 S Mountain Ave.,
Monrovia , CA 91016 UNITED STATES
1 5

Bad Experience - avoid this place

Due to the gasoline prices I started to research cars that offered gas savings. I considered hybrids and the mini cooper. I used to own a four-door Toyota Tundra V-8.

I called mini dealerships and the most important aspect of the...
posted at 08/11/10

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Assael B M W
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
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