Arowinds Goodyear Tire & Auto

Arowinds Goodyear Tire & Auto

Auto Repair in Charlotte, NC

Auto Repair

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10534 S Tryon St.,
Charlotte , NC 28273 UNITED STATES


Arowinds Goodyear Tire & Auto 704-588-7674
10534 S Tryon St.,
Charlotte , NC 28273 UNITED STATES
Arowinds Goodyear Tire & Auto 3.4

Based on 5 reviews

Arowinds Goodyear Tire & Auto 704-588-7674
10534 S Tryon St.,
Charlotte , NC 28273 UNITED STATES
1 5

Bad Service

I took my car here to have work done on my vehicle and two months later, the work that they completed ended up costing me alot more in the end and I had to take my car somewhere else, because these guys did a job incorrectly.
posted at 06/11/11
Arowinds Goodyear Tire & Auto 704-588-7674
10534 S Tryon St.,
Charlotte , NC 28273 UNITED STATES
1 5

Not honest -avoid

I got quoted over the phone a decent price to replace a part. Once I got there, they wanted to charge me more than the dealership itself. When I inquired about the reason for this change in price, they told me the part they bought was...
posted at 03/18/11
Arowinds Goodyear Tire & Auto 704-588-7674
10534 S Tryon St.,
Charlotte , NC 28273 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great price, Great Service

I visited this establishment for the first time today. The only reason I went was because they are close to where I live and I was afraid to drive my van much further. I was pleasantly surprised! The entire staff is professional and...
posted at 08/03/10
Arowinds Goodyear Tire & Auto 704-588-7674
10534 S Tryon St.,
Charlotte , NC 28273 UNITED STATES
5 5

Excellent Service

I needed to replace all 4 tires and have my car alligned. The men treated me with respect, answered all of my questions and even quoted me a lower price than a Walmart quote I had received. I dropped my car off in the morning and it was...
posted at 02/15/10
Arowinds Goodyear Tire & Auto 704-588-7674
10534 S Tryon St.,
Charlotte , NC 28273 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Auto Service in Charlotte !!!!!

What an awesome group of guys. Damonhill is SOOO WRONG. They are fair, honest and extremely well priced. I am very frugal about my expenses and they are always better than the competition. I was there last month and they had someone...
posted at 04/08/11

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Arowinds Goodyear Tire & Auto
Auto Repair
3.4 (5 reviews)
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