Appliance Express

Appliance Express

Local Services in Minneapolis, MN

Local Services Appliances & Repair Hardware

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13140 37th Ave N.,
Minneapolis , MN 55441 UNITED STATES


Appliance Express 763-559-2600
13140 37th Ave N.,
Minneapolis , MN 55441 UNITED STATES
Appliance Express 5

Based on 1 reviews

Appliance Express 763-559-2600
13140 37th Ave N.,
Minneapolis , MN 55441 UNITED STATES
5 5

Its comforting to know there are still appliance repairmen out there still as knowledgeable as this man Larry. Now a days everyone seams to be guessing or learning on your machine as they are repairing it. He told me he had 38 years experience and I believe him. My Whirlpool refrigerator repair has lasted over a year now and I am very pleased. I will always call Larry again.
posted at 06/13/16

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Appliance Express
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