Antons Cleaner Incorporated

Antons Cleaner Incorporated

Local Services in Billerica, MA

Local Services Dry Cleaning & Laundry

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Boston Rd.,
Billerica , MA 01821 UNITED STATES


Antons Cleaner Incorporated 978-667-9195
Boston Rd.,
Billerica , MA 01821 UNITED STATES
Antons Cleaner Incorporated 1

Based on 1 reviews

Antons Cleaner Incorporated 978-667-9195
Boston Rd.,
Billerica , MA 01821 UNITED STATES
1 5

Terrible Customer Service

Recently took a newish $120 blouse for its first drycleaning, and picked up the shirt on April 8th to find that the gold pattern (that was on the front and back) was now completely stripped off of the front. The shirt was packaged for...
posted at 04/19/11

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Antons Cleaner Incorporated
Local Services
1.0 (1 reviews)
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Antons Cleaner Incorporated

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