Antheneum Suite Hotel-a Summit Hotel

Antheneum Suite Hotel-a Summit Hotel

Hotels & Travel in Detroit, MI

Hotels & Travel Hotels

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1000 Brush St.,
Detroit , MI 48226 UNITED STATES


Antheneum Suite Hotel-a Summit Hotel 313-962-2323
1000 Brush St.,
Detroit , MI 48226 UNITED STATES
Antheneum Suite Hotel-a Summit Hotel 5

Based on 2 reviews

Antheneum Suite Hotel-a Summit Hotel 313-962-2323
1000 Brush St.,
Detroit , MI 48226 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great hotel BUT..

It's a great hotel but if any of you are looking to save some $$ then book it at They have some of the best hotel deals on the web!
posted at 04/07/11
Antheneum Suite Hotel-a Summit Hotel 313-962-2323
1000 Brush St.,
Detroit , MI 48226 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Hotel BUT...

It's a great hotel but if any of you are looking to save some $$ then book it at They usually have some pretty good deals on there!
posted at 02/19/11

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Antheneum Suite Hotel-a Summit Hotel
Hotels & Travel
5.0 (2 reviews)
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Antheneum Suite Hotel-a Summit Hotel

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