Angelo & Vito's Pizzeria

Angelo & Vito's Pizzeria

Restaurants in Plano, TX

Restaurants Pizza Italian Restaurants

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7000 Independence Pkwy.,
Plano , TX 75025 UNITED STATES


Angelo & Vito's Pizzeria 972-208-4205
7000 Independence Pkwy.,
Plano , TX 75025 UNITED STATES
Angelo & Vito's Pizzeria 4

Based on 1 reviews

Angelo & Vito's Pizzeria 972-208-4205
7000 Independence Pkwy.,
Plano , TX 75025 UNITED STATES
4 5

Angelo & Vito's Pizzeria "slices only"

Slices are pretty good , they almost have captured new york pizza.
But never order a whole pizza, for some reason they have a mental block that causes them to change the way they make them and come out not nearly as good as the slices,...
posted at 03/28/11

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Angelo & Vito's Pizzeria
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Angelo & Vito's Pizzeria

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