Al's Tire World

Al's Tire World

Auto Repair in Bellmore, NY

Auto Repair Tires

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2474 Merrick Rd.,
Bellmore , NY 11710 UNITED STATES


Al's Tire World 516-785-9147
2474 Merrick Rd.,
Bellmore , NY 11710 UNITED STATES
Al's Tire World 5

Based on 1 reviews

Al's Tire World 516-785-9147
2474 Merrick Rd.,
Bellmore , NY 11710 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Mechanic Shop

Al's Tire World is many steps above the other car mechanics in the surrounding area or for that matter, than I have experienced in 50 years. Al is both honest, hardworking, honorable and dedicated to his workmanship, his customers and the...
posted at 02/16/11

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Company name
Al's Tire World
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
engine repair,  domestic car repair,  car fixing car brake repair
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