Allston Collision Center Inc

Allston Collision Center Inc

Auto Repair in Brighton, Boston, MA

Auto Repair Body Shops

Contact us


420 Cambridge.,
Brighton, Boston , MA 02135 UNITED STATES


Allston Collision Center Inc 617-254-8200
420 Cambridge.,
Brighton, Boston , MA 02135 UNITED STATES
Allston Collision Center Inc 3

Based on 2 reviews

Allston Collision Center Inc 617-254-8200
420 Cambridge.,
Brighton, Boston , MA 02135 UNITED STATES
1 5

Very smart people

These guys are very smart.

When I aksed the service charge, they gave me a very convincing price and brougt me there. However, once I visited there, they made me wait in somewhere else and gave me a call and notified me another price...
posted at 07/29/10
Allston Collision Center Inc 617-254-8200
420 Cambridge.,
Brighton, Boston , MA 02135 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great work, honest people

The guys at ACC know what they're doing, they take pride in their work, and they're fair. Don't take your car anywhere else.

Paul Chaet is a great guy to work with. He takes all of the hassle out of dealing with insurance companies after...
posted at 02/11/10

Detail information

Company name
Allston Collision Center Inc
Auto Repair
3.0 (2 reviews)
german auto repair,  collision auto repair,  automotive repair service radiator repair
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Allston Collision Center Inc

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