Alliance Transmissions

Alliance Transmissions

Auto Repair in San Marcos, CA

Auto Repair Transmissions and Engines

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1288 W San Marcos Blvd.,
San Marcos , CA 92078 UNITED STATES


Alliance Transmissions 760-471-2303
1288 W San Marcos Blvd.,
San Marcos , CA 92078 UNITED STATES
Alliance Transmissions 5

Based on 1 reviews

Alliance Transmissions 760-471-2303
1288 W San Marcos Blvd.,
San Marcos , CA 92078 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Service - Great Price

My normal mechanic told me to take my car to alliance transmissions (behind arby's) when my transmission went out. He told me they were the best, but I asked around anyway. They were the best price and very nice on the phone- so in I...
posted at 03/30/10

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Alliance Transmissions
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
car brake repair,  auto collision,  car repair services domestic car repair
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