Allen Ridge Tire & Auto Inc

Allen Ridge Tire & Auto Inc

Auto Dealers in Lecanto, FL

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Tires

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1621 N Lecanto Hwy.,
Lecanto , FL 34461 UNITED STATES


Allen Ridge Tire & Auto Inc 352-746-6650
1621 N Lecanto Hwy.,
Lecanto , FL 34461 UNITED STATES
Allen Ridge Tire & Auto Inc 1

Based on 2 reviews

Allen Ridge Tire & Auto Inc 352-746-6650
1621 N Lecanto Hwy.,
Lecanto , FL 34461 UNITED STATES
1 5

be careful

unless you want a mechanic that takes advantage of the elderly, charges them for a tow when they know you have AAA, pokes a hole and leaks out trans fliud from the day before, and stains your driveway, and screams at you on the phone,...
posted at 07/15/11
Allen Ridge Tire & Auto Inc 352-746-6650
1621 N Lecanto Hwy.,
Lecanto , FL 34461 UNITED STATES
1 5

Women Beware!

I gave them the benefit of the doubt when they couldn't find the overheating problem I had with my truck. $800.00 later I now have a new themostat, waterpump, hoses & radiator. It was the radiator all along (which they had checked and...
posted at 05/03/11

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Company name
Allen Ridge Tire & Auto Inc
Auto Dealers
1.0 (2 reviews)
auto body repairs,  foreign car repair,  car brake repair auto mechanic
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Allen Ridge Tire & Auto Inc

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