Alipertis Ristorante

Alipertis Ristorante

Restaurants in Clark, NJ

Restaurants Caterers Italian Restaurants

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1189 Raritan Rd.,
Clark , NJ 07066 UNITED STATES


Alipertis Ristorante 732-381-2300
1189 Raritan Rd.,
Clark , NJ 07066 UNITED STATES
Alipertis Ristorante 4

Based on 1 reviews

Alipertis Ristorante 732-381-2300
1189 Raritan Rd.,
Clark , NJ 07066 UNITED STATES
4 5


This is good Italian restaurant, for a sit down meal. We have gone there for lunch only. It isn't somewhere that you can go for a quick meal. The service is great, the food is good, and the place is very clean. They have good parking as...
posted at 02/23/10

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Alipertis Ristorante
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Alipertis Ristorante

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