Alignment Specialties

Alignment Specialties

Auto Repair in North Highlands, CA

Auto Repair

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5316 Roseville Rd.,
North Highlands , CA 95660 UNITED STATES


Alignment Specialties 916-348-9266
5316 Roseville Rd.,
North Highlands , CA 95660 UNITED STATES
Alignment Specialties 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

Alignment Specialties 916-348-9266
5316 Roseville Rd.,
North Highlands , CA 95660 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great, personal service

Chris did a Fantastic job aligning my 61 Falcon. No one else in town would touch this old 'Bird, But Chris was able to apply his expertise. This is not some kid getting paid minimum wage, Chris really knows what he's doing. My falcon was...
posted at 06/06/11
Alignment Specialties 916-348-9266
5316 Roseville Rd.,
North Highlands , CA 95660 UNITED STATES
5 5


EXCELLENT SERVICE..I am a girl who doesn't understand a thing about cars so naturally i get taken advantage of by mechanics. Chris the owner explained everything about my car to me in a language that i could understand. He was very...
posted at 02/15/11

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