Affordable Wheel Chair van Service

Affordable Wheel Chair van Service

Taxis and Car Services in Lockport, NY

Taxis and Car Services

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38 S Niagara St.,
Lockport , NY 14094 UNITED STATES


Affordable Wheel Chair van Service 716-433-2222
38 S Niagara St.,
Lockport , NY 14094 UNITED STATES
Affordable Wheel Chair van Service 4

Based on 1 reviews

Affordable Wheel Chair van Service 716-433-2222
38 S Niagara St.,
Lockport , NY 14094 UNITED STATES
4 5

I like Union Taxi

I would recomend Union Taxi (and have) to anyone! They are ALWAYS nice and friendly and I have never had an issue with them being late except maybe 10 or 15 minutes in crappy wheather! FOR THOSE WHO COMPLAIN about this service...try...
posted at 04/23/11

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Affordable Wheel Chair van Service
Taxis and Car Services
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Affordable Wheel Chair van Service

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