AAMCO Transmissions

AAMCO Transmissions

Auto Repair in Cleveland, OH

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories Transmissions and Engines

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14138 Lorain Ave.,
Cleveland , OH 44111 UNITED STATES


AAMCO Transmissions 216-688-6000
14138 Lorain Ave.,
Cleveland , OH 44111 UNITED STATES
AAMCO Transmissions 5

Based on 2 reviews

AAMCO Transmissions 216-688-6000
14138 Lorain Ave.,
Cleveland , OH 44111 UNITED STATES
5 5

Very Satisfied !

I recently had my vehicle in for service and was very satisfied with not only the repairs but being updated on the progress and best of all the bill was very reasonable. This is only a few of the reasons why I will continue to bring my...
posted at 01/26/11
AAMCO Transmissions 216-688-6000
14138 Lorain Ave.,
Cleveland , OH 44111 UNITED STATES
5 5

Cleveland's Best Auto Repair Shop

I woke up to go to work and my vehicle would not start. Being on a cold, blistery Cleveland winter day did not help. I called AAMCO on Lorain Ave and talked to Paul, he said that they would have vehicle towed in and be in contact with...
posted at 02/02/11

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AAMCO Transmissions
Auto Repair
5.0 (2 reviews)
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