Younker Nissan

Younker Nissan

Auto Dealers in Renton, WA

Auto Dealers

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3401 East Valley Road,
Renton , WA 98057 UNITED STATES

About Younker Nissan


Younker Nissan 425-251-8100
3401 East Valley Road,
Renton , WA 98057 UNITED STATES
Younker Nissan 3.75

Based on 4 reviews

Younker Nissan 425-251-8100
3401 East Valley Road,
Renton , WA 98057 UNITED STATES
5 5

Satisfied Customer

Have purchased many parts and dealt with the service department team. Have found them all to be helpful and pleasant. As a 58 yr. old female, have in the past, experienced lots of unsavory behavior from car dealers and service people. So...
posted at 12/09/10
Younker Nissan 425-251-8100
3401 East Valley Road,
Renton , WA 98057 UNITED STATES
4 5

Didn't want to pay that much for service agreement!!!!

I am kicking myself...I told them I wanted a warranty so they added $2k to my auto loan for it...the car only cost $6k...!!!!! I'm going to be camped in front of their doors until they open and we are going to do battle if they don't...
posted at 09/06/10
Younker Nissan 425-251-8100
3401 East Valley Road,
Renton , WA 98057 UNITED STATES
5 5

Service Department

I took in my vehicle which was out of warranty (so I thought), Jeff in service informed me that the transmission problem that I was having may indeed be covered by warranty (even though I had 95,000 miles on it. Not only was he correct,...
posted at 09/14/10
Younker Nissan 425-251-8100
3401 East Valley Road,
Renton , WA 98057 UNITED STATES
1 5

Very dishonest

I went in to look at a used car which I test drove and really liked. When some questionable items came up in the CARFAX report I asked if I could take the car to a mechanic a 2 min. drive from the dealership to look at it. They became...
posted at 05/11/11

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Younker Nissan
Auto Dealers
3.8 (4 reviews)
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