Woodcrest Preschool

Woodcrest Preschool

Specialty Schools in Sherman Oaks, CA

Specialty Schools Schools

Contact us


13562 Ventura Blvd.,
Sherman Oaks , CA 91423 UNITED STATES

About Woodcrest Preschool

For over 45 years, Woodcrest Preschool has prepared children for kindergarten in a loving and nurturing environment using time tested curriculum that is taught by childcare professionals.
Some of our specialized programs include: Kindergarten readiness, yoga, gardening, artist of the month, author of the month, and animal visit. All schools are open from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm for working families as well as half day and full day options.


Woodcrest Preschool 818-783-2930
13562 Ventura Blvd.,
Sherman Oaks , CA 91423 UNITED STATES
Woodcrest Preschool

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Woodcrest Preschool
Specialty Schools
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Woodcrest Preschool

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