Wilders Transmission Service

Wilders Transmission Service

Auto Parts and Accessories in Wenatchee, WA

Auto Parts and Accessories Transmissions and Engines

Contact us


1601 N Pine Ave.,
Wenatchee , WA 98801 UNITED STATES


Wilders Transmission Service 509-662-6733
1601 N Pine Ave.,
Wenatchee , WA 98801 UNITED STATES
Wilders Transmission Service 5

Based on 1 reviews

Wilders Transmission Service 509-662-6733
1601 N Pine Ave.,
Wenatchee , WA 98801 UNITED STATES
5 5

Girls you can trust this family owned business

These Guys are trustworthy, My 96 Tahoe has a new Rebuilt Tranny and I'm a happy camper. Thank You!
posted at 05/20/10

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Wilders Transmission Service
Auto Parts and Accessories
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Wilders Transmission Service

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