Westhaven Youth Shelter

Westhaven Youth Shelter

Public Services & Government in Cleveland, OH

Public Services & Government Churches City Government

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3020 W 104th St.,
Cleveland , OH 44111 UNITED STATES


Westhaven Youth Shelter 216-941-0062
3020 W 104th St.,
Cleveland , OH 44111 UNITED STATES
Westhaven Youth Shelter 1

Based on 1 reviews

Westhaven Youth Shelter 216-941-0062
3020 W 104th St.,
Cleveland , OH 44111 UNITED STATES
1 5

I believe the purpose of a youth shelter is to provide a home away from home, either it be for long or short term reasons. All facilities should be clean drug free, frequently inspected by the State along with staff. Adult shelters in Clevland have requirements, so therefore youth shelters should as well. Adults have to comply to rules and standards, and so therefore the youth. Just because West Haven is a shelter for homeless youth or otherwise, doesn't mean it has to operate with lesser expectations. The youth should be required to attend weekly if not daily assessments, and meetings. This should be mandatory not optional. This youth shelter needs improvement. I believe it is minimally monitired. Maybe the state needs to take a look into this place. The police don't even have much authority when they show up at this place. One evening I arrived to take a look at the operation of the facility, and it was like being in an insane assylum. The young ladies were abusive and disregarding of my presence. there was only one staff on duty, which in my book is a no no! he staff had no control, or influence who obviously, could not control, nor monitor emergency situations. Video suveillance, is on the primises,but what good is it, if the audio is not availble. I see this place needing more work, if it is going to be a place the cuyahoga county of children and family service utilizes. Better furniture is needed, profanity and smoking should not be allowed. The food, needs to be better as well. There is no dietary structure at all. I believe the director is Ms. Withers. I hope she plans to do more for this place, because, I wouldn't fund this facility under the current conditions.
posted at 07/12/12

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Westhaven Youth Shelter
Public Services & Government
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