Westerville Chiropractic and Nutrition

Westerville Chiropractic and Nutrition

Health and Medical in Westerville, OH

Health and Medical Acupuncture Chiropractors

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528 S Otterbein Ave,
Westerville , OH 43081 UNITED STATES

About Westerville Chiropractic and Nutrition

Our Westerville Chiropractic and Nutrition team will look at all aspects of your body to help transform it into a source of empowerment. Our mission is to not only get you as healthy as possible, but to keep you healthy as well – no matter what challenges you’re facing. Whether you have chronic pain, alignment issues, soreness, are unhappy with your weight, or are suffering from a variety of difficult health conditions, you can rest assured: we have a program to help treat you. Our services include chiropractic, weight loss, specialised nutrition, message therapy, accupuncture, cold laser therapy, and body cleansing. Visit our welcoming practice, meet our team of experts, and let us help you build a healthy lifestyle.


Westerville Chiropractic and Nutrition 614-898-9195
528 S Otterbein Ave,
Westerville , OH 43081 UNITED STATES
Westerville Chiropractic and Nutrition

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Westerville Chiropractic and Nutrition
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Westerville Chiropractic and Nutrition

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