Waldorf Nevens Cleaners

Waldorf Nevens Cleaners

Local Services in Minneapolis, MN

Local Services Dry Cleaning & Laundry

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111 W Grant St.,
Minneapolis , MN 55403 UNITED STATES


Waldorf Nevens Cleaners 612-871-8761
111 W Grant St.,
Minneapolis , MN 55403 UNITED STATES
Waldorf Nevens Cleaners 1

Based on 1 reviews

Waldorf Nevens Cleaners 612-871-8761
111 W Grant St.,
Minneapolis , MN 55403 UNITED STATES
1 5

Bad Business

I have done business with the Waldorf Nevins shop located between 11th and 12th on Hennepin for more than four years. I estimate that I've spent at least $600 per year with them since March, 2006. Records will confirm that this is...
posted at 09/03/10

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Waldorf Nevens Cleaners
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1.0 (1 reviews)
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Waldorf Nevens Cleaners

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