Veterinary Internal Medicine and Allergy Specialists

Veterinary Internal Medicine and Allergy Specialists

Veterinarians in New York, NY


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207 E 84th St.,
New York , NY 10028 UNITED STATES


Veterinary Internal Medicine and Allergy Specialists 212-988-4650
207 E 84th St.,
New York , NY 10028 UNITED STATES
Veterinary Internal Medicine and Allergy Specialists 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

Veterinary Internal Medicine and Allergy Specialists 212-988-4650
207 E 84th St.,
New York , NY 10028 UNITED STATES
4 5

Perfectly fine...

Never had any problem, seven+ years, complete trust in her. You know what convinced me? She said she had taste-tested multiple dog foods. Now that is dedication - and imaginative doctoring.

Christopher Gray
posted at 08/28/10
Veterinary Internal Medicine and Allergy Specialists 212-988-4650
207 E 84th St.,
New York , NY 10028 UNITED STATES
5 5


Dr. Chaitman has been our vet for ten years and we have had nothing but the most positive experiences. She is extremely smart, easy to talk to and in complete command of any resource you might ever want to access in the care of your...
posted at 03/14/11

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