Veterans Ford

Veterans Ford

Auto Dealers in Metairie, LA

Auto Dealers

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3724 Veterans Memorial Blvd,
Metairie , LA 70002 UNITED STATES

About Veterans Ford

Veterans Ford is a premier Ford dealership located in Metairie, LA with a large selection of New and Used vehicles on the lot.


Veterans Ford 888-781-2140
3724 Veterans Memorial Blvd,
Metairie , LA 70002 UNITED STATES
Veterans Ford 2.6

Based on 5 reviews

Veterans Ford 888-781-2140
3724 Veterans Memorial Blvd,
Metairie , LA 70002 UNITED STATES
1 5


On your main webpage, you list these as your main principles
(Our high standards of integrity)
1) Honesty: Truthful at all times.
3) Respect: To show consideration or honor for another.
4) Integrity: Being of sound moral...
posted at 08/17/11
Veterans Ford 888-781-2140
3724 Veterans Memorial Blvd,
Metairie , LA 70002 UNITED STATES
5 5

Put them to the test. And they passed!!!

Was a first time customer of Veterans Ford when I went in for a simple oil change. I will definetly be back. I saw that they advertised about a multi-point inspection which I had called about ahead of time to see what it involved and...
posted at 06/10/11
Veterans Ford 888-781-2140
3724 Veterans Memorial Blvd,
Metairie , LA 70002 UNITED STATES
5 5

I will be back!!! Great service & people.

I have a Ford F-150 Harley Davidson 2002, I have brought it to Veterans Ford to do all preventive maintaince work and I have always had great service and good experiances. I will use them again and again. My truck runs purrrrfect at...
posted at 03/28/11
Veterans Ford 888-781-2140
3724 Veterans Memorial Blvd,
Metairie , LA 70002 UNITED STATES
1 5

Worst of the Worst!!! Never Again!!!

I bought a car knowing I would be able to pay it off in the next couple of weeks. They treated me like I would steal the car, made me pay 9 grand for a down payment and sold me the car at 23.99 % interest. Not to mention they wanted to...
posted at 10/31/10
Veterans Ford 888-781-2140
3724 Veterans Memorial Blvd,
Metairie , LA 70002 UNITED STATES
1 5

horrible service dept

So I called the dealership to order a part for my car and instead the conversation turned into an argument with the most disgruntled service dude in perhaps the history of Ford Stealerships. I find it highly unusual that a service guy...
posted at 09/03/10

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Veterans Ford
Auto Dealers
2.6 (5 reviews)
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