Vent Tec

Vent Tec

Contractors in Tukwila, WA


Contact us


816 Industry Drive,
Tukwila , WA 98188 UNITED STATES

About Vent Tec

Professional Restaurant Hood and Duct Cleaning
We Clean What You Can’t See!
Unfortunately, taking shortcuts and cleaning only what you can see is common in the hood cleaning industry. You can be assured that Vent Tec will NEVER take shortcuts to save time. We always go a step above and beyond all of our competitors. Plus, we have extensive before-and-after photos documenting our work. We leave customers with online access to pictures we take of your hoods and grease ducts.


Vent Tec 206-575-2755
816 Industry Drive,
Tukwila , WA 98188 UNITED STATES
Vent Tec

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Vent Tec
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